Can we use the CEA-HOW logo for group, Intergroup or Area purposes or CEA-HOW sponsored events?

Our logo is protected as a Registered trademark ® with the United States Patent and Trademark Office; if it is used the ® symbol must be part of the logo.

The CEA-HOW logo represents CEA-HOW as a whole.  It is a registered trademark and is used with permission from CEA-HOW WSO.  A written request for permission to use the logo is required, together with a copy or clear description of what the logo will be used for.  Permission must be granted in writing.  Permission may be granted based on the understanding that the content of any document or event on which the CEA-HOW logo is used will conform in its entirety to the CEA-HOW Concept, the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts of Service, the 7 Tools, Forever Abstinent and the Sponsor Guidelines.  Use of the logo implies endorsement by CEA-HOW as a whole so if permission is granted, we ask that care be taken to ensure these guidelines are carefully followed.