• The primary purpose of a CEA-HOW meeting is to carry the message of CEA-HOW recovery; therefore, no other 12-Step fellowships, literature or recovery facilities are mentioned during the meeting.
  • The abstinence requirement (30-days or 7days with sponsor’s approval) is upheld in meetings.
  • Anonymity is maintained during and following the meeting, i.e., pictures are not taken during the meeting and what is heard or seen at the meeting stays at the meeting.
  • Every meeting contains the four readings:  the 12 Steps, the 12 Traditions, the CEA-HOW Concept, and the CEA-HOW 7 Tools of Recovery.  The 7 Tools are read by a member with 30 days of abstinence
  • The Leader of the meeting has 30 days of abstinence and has stepped up to be a Food Sponsor (see Sponsor Guidelines).  The Leader ensures the meeting follows CEA-HOW guidelines and begins and ends on time.  The meeting follows a specific format as listed on the meeting lists so members come prepared with their literature.
  • To assure the safety and comfort of all members, it is the responsibility of the Meeting Secretary to ensure that the CEA-HOW guidelines are followed during the meeting and that the meeting format is adhered to: timing of leads and pitches is followed, the group’s crosstalk guideline is followed, no outside issues are raised, members are respectful, there are no distractions from within or outside the group.
  • A 7th Tradition collection is taken at every meeting and members are encouraged to give back to the fellowship and support all levels of the Fellowship in carrying the message of recovery from compulsive eating through the CEA-HOW Program.
  • During qualification at the end of the reading of The 7 Tools, all sponsors qualify by giving only their abstinence date, weight change, sponsor level, and whether they are available. Qualifying, even if you are not available, is one of the strongest messages we carry to a newcomer or struggling member.


  • Crosstalk as defined by group conscience is stated in the meeting format and is not practiced (see Crosstalk Article on the website Meeting Assistance page)
  • CEA-HOW Literature is put on display and available for purchase at every meeting.  It is important to display all literature so that members can see what is available; members need to see all of the CEA-HOW literature that is available to assist us in our recovery. Only conference-approved literature is sold at the meetings or referenced during the meetings.
  • Step-up ceremonies are held to show the program works and to celebrate the strength of the program.
  • Anniversary celebrations are held during meetings to recognize periods of abstinence and to show members that abstinence is attainable. Celebrating abstinence anniversaries is a form of doing service.
  • Members make a point of greeting newcomers and welcoming them to the meeting.
  • Business meetings are held on a regular basis or when issues arise, with a 2-week notice period
  • All strong groups incorporate an awareness of the 12 Traditions in their meetings.  All Traditions support Tradition 1, — Unity, and Tradition 5 — singleness of purpose. Four Traditions bear specific mention in relation to successful meetings.  This means that, in practice, based on these Traditions we do not mention therapy approaches, other 12-Step groups, treatment centers, authors, publications other than CEA-HOW and AA literature, church or religious organizations, or  media personalities.  All of these practices distract from our primary purpose of spreading the CEA-HOW message and no other and they divide us from each other.  The Traditions, as paraphrased, are:

o        Tradition 1:  Unity, our common welfare.  We are all here because we are compulsive eaters recovering in the CEA-HOW program.  When we talk about another program, therapy, etc., we become divided because not all members are in other programs, therapies, etc.  Our strength lies in our unity.

o        Tradition 5:  The primary purpose of a CEA-HOW meeting is to carry the message that there is recovery from compulsive eating. We share other addictions or concerns in other programs or venues.

o        Tradition 6:  A CEA-HOW group does not lend its name, endorsement, or financial support to other related programs or facilities so that issues of money, property, and prestige do not divert the group from the primary purpose of carrying the message of recovery.

o        Tradition 10:  A CEA-HOW group has no opinion on outside issues and stays out of public controversy.


  • Meeting service positions are filled for 6 months to one year and rotation of service among members is critical to a strong meeting so all may participate; rotation of service is especially important in providing newer members the opportunity to grow and give back.   Service positions are filled by members who meet abstinence requirements; all members are encouraged to review their meeting service positions, duties, and abstinence requirements by reviewing the Structure of Meetings found on the website on the Meeting Assistance page. All members take turns doing service.  Service to a meeting is a privilege and a way to give back and ensure the meeting will be there for the newcomer just as members made sure it was there for you.
  • The meeting Treasurer completes the Meeting Financial Record form weekly and reports monthly to the meeting; donations are distributed to the Intergroup, Area, and WSO on a monthly basis.
  • The meeting Intergroup Representative attends every Intergroup Meeting taking the meeting’s concerns to the Intergroup and reporting back with information from the Intergroup.  The IG Rep makes copies to be placed on the literature table of all event flyers and information passed out at the IG Meeting. The Representative also provides information found on the CEA-HOW website to the members and keeps them updated by making announcements of upcoming events, News You Can Use, and Just Ask information.
  • The Sponsor Workshop Chairperson service position is an important meeting service position. The Sponsor Workshop Chairperson facilitates sponsor workshops which are held monthly (following the meeting and lasting for ½ to ¾ hour; basic CEA-HOW practices are discussed in an open forum environment).  The Chair also announces during the meeting that newcomers should meet her/him at a designated spot in the room after the meeting and she/he will help them find a sponsor.
  • A suggested meeting service position is a member who takes each newcomer’s contact information and ensures that each newcomer is called or emailed after the meeting (the same day or the next) to continue the welcome and get them started on the outreach phone calls.