An upside down pyramid graphic showing the service organizations in this order: CEA-HOW Groups on the top, Intergroups below them, Areas next, followed by WSBC, and finally the World Service Office.

CEA-HOW Groups

Coordinates meetings for those seeking recovery from compulsive eating and facilitates literature for sale. Each group has but one primary purpose – to carry its message to the compulsive eater who still suffers.  Click here to search for a Meeting


Two or more Groups within a state or in geographic proximity of each other may form an Intergroup for the purpose of serving and representing the Groups of which they are composed. Click here to search for an Intergroup.


Areas provide service and support to member Intergroups and unaffiliated groups in the Area. Areas facilitate communication and participation in the CEA‐HOW organization and Area Assemblies where Delegates are selected for the World Service Business Conference.  Click here to search for more information regarding an Area.

World Service Business Conference (WSBC)

The group conscience of a CEA-HOW as a whole, the WSBC meets annually to address the health of the fellowship and promote the message of recovery from compulsive eating.  Composed of Delegates elected from among the Area Representatives at each Area Assembly, ensuring geographic representation throughout the fellowship.   Delegates deliberate and vote on policies and practices which affect all members of the fellowship and which have been presented by the fellowship.

World Service Business Conference Committees

Committees (composed of Delegates to the World Service Business Conference) which support the needs of the fellowship, including:

  • Literature Committee –  review and recommend for the approval or disapproval of any CEA-HOW literature and outside literature as needed.
  • Public Information Committee – gather and make PI opportunities available to CEA-HOW groups including, but not limited to radio, TV, hospitals, and internet, flyers for public display, public service announcements, community calendar announcements and articles for media publication, as well as suggest ways to involve the membership in public outreach.
  • Sponsorship Committee – support the development of CEA-HOW service documents relating to sponsorship and develop CEA-HOW service documents relating to sponsorship as it deems fit, or as directed by the World Service Business Conference.
  • Website Committee – Develop a coordinated plan and procedures for website day-to-day maintenance, including, but not limited to creating and maintaining website content.
  • Education Committee – work with Conference Literature, Public Information, Website, and Sponsorship Committees to solicit input on education topics or initiatives.

World Service Board

Members of CEA-HOW who are elected by the fellowship to serve as a central point for exchange of CEA-HOW information and organization, and who, as authorized by the WSO Bylaws, safeguard against “any modification, alteration, or extension of the Twelve Steps, Traditions, Concepts of Service, CEA-HOW Concept and Seven Tools.”  For Board duties and responsibilities, see WSO Bylaws, Part A, Article 4, Sections 4 and 5.

World Service Office (WSO)

WSO conducts day-to-day business affairs of CEA-HOW, Inc., under the direction of the World Service Board and corporate officers; clearinghouse and exchange point for CEA-HOW history and experience; supports World Service Board and all CEA-HOW service bodies; coordinates and distributes information on a variety of fellowship activities, events and services, including updating such information on the CEA-HOW website; and oversees the publication, translation, and distribution of CEA‐HOW Conference‐approved literature.