I crawled into our rooms, depressed, disgusted, and defeated.
Living life my way for three decades had not produced the results that I wanted.
I wanted to be thin, rich and successful. Instead, I was eating too much, spending too much, and I knew deep down that I thought too little of myself.
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous-HOW accepted me unconditionally. I got a CEA-HOW sponsor, started using our tools and took my first step toward recovery.
I’ve been in CEA-HOW now for three decades. The excess weight has melted off, my excessive spending is a distant memory, and maybe most importantly, finally I’m comfortable in my own skin.
Losing weight as I gained peace-of-mind are just some of the blessings of program.
I tell every newcomer that the hardest step is taking that first one and to visit a meeting. Please come, stay and watch your life change for the better.