My story is not one of weight reduction. It is a story of ego reduction. I came into the 12 step rooms when I was 17 years old. I grew up in a dysfunctional home with loving parents working out their own recoveries. At a young age, I learned how to take care of myself. I took pride in independence, intellect and resourcefulness.
At first, I felt happy to be in the inclusive arms of a program that welcomed me for my desire to stop eating compulsively. Even though I worked a food plan, I still questioned what it meant to be abstinent and didn’t utilize the many tools available to me. I found myself becoming emotionally unraveled and attempted to control uncontrollable behaviors.
A family member told me about CEA-HOW in 2011. I began attending phone meetings and felt welcomed and supported. I asked a member to be my sponsor and I began using all of the tools on a daily basis. This structure gave me freedom, clarity of abstinence, and serenity. I am so grateful for CEA-HOW as it has helped me to surrender my finite ego and trust my infinite Higher Power.