Fat, frustrated and furious is no way to go through life, and yet, that is how I rolled through my first few decades before I found Compulsive Eaters Anonymous-HOW.
Before joining CEA-HOW, I had tried many ways and many times to lose my excess weight. Most of the diets worked, for a while. And then, I would put my weight back on, and usually gain even more. I was angry about being overweight.
I also was angry that other people did not behave in the ways that I thought they should. I thought little of God, and even less of myself.
Hitting that bottom was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I gave up trying to control my food, the people around me, and life in general. That’s when I gave CEA-HOW a try. That decision became the defining moment of my life.
Our CEA-HOW program taught me to stop trying to control and start trying to accept.
By using the program tools and taking the steps, I have lost my excess weight, my character defects and my desire to lord over every part of life.
Slender, sane and serene is a better way to go through life.