We are all in the midst of changes in our lives as we transition to our post-pandemic environment.
CEA-HOW too is transitioning. Over a year ago most face to face meetings moved temporarily to online or conference call meetings with the presumption that, when pandemic conditions changed and subject to municipal and Federal law, these meetings would go back to the rooms.
We recognize the unique and temporary circumstances the pandemic has created and recognize how this experience has impacted us in how we might move forward in the post-pandemic phase. We all need to work together to determine how best to move forward and maintain unity for the fellowship as a whole.
Why can’t my meeting choose its Intergroup and Area?
We honor Tradition Four, “Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or CEA-HOW as a whole.” Thus, each meeting can, by group conscience, decide whether it wishes to return to its original face to face format, become a hybrid meeting (face to face/online or face to face/phone) or become an online or phone bridge meeting.
So, we have choices and, as with all choices, we abide by the consequences of those choices.
While a meeting can choose its format, the consequences, under our current Bylaws, may require a change in Intergroup and/or Area. This is required by Tradition Four: “…except in matters affecting other groups or CEA-HOW as a whole.”
Following our current Bylaws (https://www.ceahow.org/en/service-bodies-committees/ceahow-service-structure/world-service/bylaws/):
- A face to face meeting is registered with the Intergroup of nearest geographic proximity and the appropriate Area (1, 2, 345, 6, 7). This includes new face to face meetings meeting temporarily online or by phone.
- An electronic or phone bridge meeting, because it has no geographic tie, is registered with the Electronic or Phone Bridge Intergroup and Area 10
- A hybrid meeting continues to be registered with its geographic Intergroup. However, be mindful this may foster loss of unity within the group as those in the room may have ties to its geographic Intergroup which those online or the phone may not share.
What can we do?
We recognize the implications of moving to an online or phone format only would, under the current Bylaws, necessitate the meeting move to an Area 10 intergroup and this is a cause of concern for meetings who wish to continue to affiliate with their geographic intergroup and area.
Therefore, at this time, we have agreed to extend the moratorium on the requirement for meetings move out of their geographic intergroup and area to an Area 10 intergroup until WSBC 2022. This will not only allow those meetings time to test the concept in a post-pandemic world and allow the fellowship time to consider options. This complex subject has been put on the Agenda for discussion by your elected trusted servants at 2021 World Service Business Conference on July 23. An Ad Hoc Committee may be formed at WSBC to determine how to move forward, including through revision of the Bylaws if necessary, to meet the needs of the fellowship. The formation of an Ad Hoc committee will depend on the vote and involvement of 2021 WSBC delegates.
We ask that you make your thoughts known to your trusted servants – your Intergroup Reps, your Area Reps, your Delegates to WSBC, and the WSO Board of Directors. Our program depends on representation from each meeting; if your meeting doesn’t have an active IG rep, your voice is not heard. Likewise, if your IG isn’t sending the maximum number of Area reps, your voice is not heard. Lastly, if your Area is not sending the maximum number of WSBC delegates, your voice is not heard. Our program works when every member has their voice heard through representation at each successive level.
Our wish is to keep our members and the CEA-HOW organization healthy and strong. We will work together to fulfill that goal.
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous-HOW
World Service Organization
Board of Directors