What is Compulsive Eaters Anonymous-HOW?
CEA-HOW is a 12-step program in which men and women meet to help solve their common problem of compulsive eating. We consider this phrase to include overeating, binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, and other food-related compulsive behaviors.
A 12-step program is a spiritual, non-religious program which provides a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction or compulsion.
CEA-HOW is based on Alcoholic’s Anonymous 12 step program created by Bill W. and Dr. Bob in 1935.
Is CEA-HOW for me?
Only you can decide…no one else can make this decision for you. We who are now in CEA-HOW have found a way of life which enables us to live without the need to behave compulsively around food. We believe that compulsive eating is a progressive illness…one that, like alcoholism and some other illnesses, can be arrested. Remember, there is no shame in admitting you have a problem; the most important thing is to do something about it.
What is the purpose of CEA-HOW?
Our primary purpose is to stop eating compulsively…and we welcome in fellowship and friendly understanding all those who share our common problem.
How much does it cost to join?
Nothing—It’s completely free. There are no dues or fees for CEA-HOW membership. We are self-supporting through our own contributions.
Are there any requirements for membership?
The only requirement is a desire to stop eating compulsively.
Is CEA-HOW a diet?
No. Although CEA-HOW does provide a food plan, it is not a diet—rather, it is a spiritual solution to the problem of compulsive eating.
Where can I see the CEA-HOW food plan?
The food plan is a printed piece of literature that is only given to a person by a sponsor. It is not intended to be used without a sponsor. The food plan is just one small part of our program of recovery, and it is a disservice to a suffering compulsive eater to share it as one would a diet, out of context of actually working the full program of CEA-HOW.
What does CEA-HOW stand for?
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous- The HOW Concept. The HOW Concept is our foundation. It tell us who we are — a fellowship with a disciplined and structured approach to the 12 Steps. The HOW in The How Concept stands for Honest Openminded Willing. The first part of the name, Compulsive Eaters Anonymous, describes the primary problem. The second part, The HOW Concept, states the key concepts we consider essential for recovery from the problem.
What does CEA-HOW offer?
- Acceptance – of you as you are now, as you were, as you will be.
- Understanding– of the problems you face now and share, almost certainly, with others in the group.
- Communication – since we find that we identify with each other, communication becomes the natural result of our mutual understanding and acceptance.
- Relief – having found acceptance, understanding, and communication with others, we have found relief from our illness and help toward a new self-acceptance and self-understanding.
- Power – by the acceptance and understanding of oneself, by the practice of the CEA-HOW recovery program, by the belief in a power greater than oneself, by the support and companionship of the group, a door is opened to a new way of life.
Is CEA-HOW a religious program?
No. It aims at spiritual growth, but is not affiliated with any sect or denomination. It is open to all who wish recovery from compulsive eating.
Do I need to believe in God to become a member of CEA-HOW?
No, you do not. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. CEA-HOW is a spiritual program, and although our literature frequently mentions a higher power and god, some of our members remain agnostics and atheists (though many of them do, over time, come to believe in a power greater than themselves). Our individual spiritual beliefs are private and personal.