Does your eating control or interfere with your life?

If you’re reading this, chances are you or someone you know is struggling with food. We understand. As compulsive eaters, we’ve felt as obsessed with food as an alcoholic or drug addict is with their substance. This disease can cloud our mood, health, and clarity—our entire lives.

Compulsive eaters identify in many ways—overeater, under-eater, food addict, anorexic, bulimic. It can affect someone with 10 pounds to gain or 200 to lose. Regardless of the label, we face a serious and progressive illness that can worsen depression, obesity, and other health issues, damaging families and careers.

But CEA-HOW offers another way. A path to happiness, contentment, and achievement in all areas of life.

Find a meeting and come see for yourself.

Do You Have a Problem With Food?

Many of us knew we had a problem with food long before we considered ourselves compulsive eaters. Making that transition is a deeply personal journey, yet it was essential for our recovery.

We believe that only we as individuals can diagnose ourselves a compulsive eater. For many reasons, the distinction is often difficult to make.

Ask yourselves these questions:

  • Do you eat when you’re not hungry?
  • Do you hide your eating behavior from others?
  • Do you overeat and then starve yourself, purge, take laxatives or exercise for hours?
  • Do you repeatedly promise yourself you will change your eating behavior and then continue it anyway?
  • Is your weight affecting the way you live your life?
  • Do you get hungry or refuse to eat when things don’t go your way?
  • Do you get hungry when there doesn’t seem to be anything to do?
  • After you have been frightened or scared about something that has
    happened, do you find yourself hungry or unable to eat?
  • When you feel alone do you sometimes use food to get over the feeling?
  • After an argument with someone, do you lose your appetite or find yourself wanting to eat?
  • Have you ever found yourself eating two breakfasts, lunches, or dinners
    because you felt the first one was inadequate?
  • Do you find yourself planning the next meal before you have finished eating?
  • When you sit down to a meal, do you find yourself unable to eat or do you eat more than you want to?
  • Do you ever have a sense of being out of control during a meal?
  • Have you ever sought outside help to deal with your eating?
  • Do you ever attempt to hide your binges by eating in secret or alone or in
    your car?
  • Have you ever turned to diet pills, alcohol or other drugs in an effort to
    control your eating or relieve depression or guilt?
  • Are you obsessed with body image, weight or exercise?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have a problem with compulsive eating.

You are not alone, and there is recovery.

We welcome you to attend a meeting of CEA-HOW.