Make a Donation
Tradition 7 – Every CEA-HOW group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
In keeping with the 7th Tradition, CEA-HOW is supported and continues to be available to us only through contributions from its members. If you are a member of CEA-HOW and would like to support the CEA-HOW fellowship, you can do so now using PayPal. Simply click on one of the buttons below and complete the PayPal form. Your donation will be sent securely to the WSO offices and you will receive a receipt via email.
CEA-HOW, Inc. is recognized as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law. In accordance with IRS regulations, for income tax purposes a donor may deduct only the amount by which a contribution exceeds the fair market value of goods and services received in exchange. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your donation in support of the fellowship, with the exceptions specifically noted for some special events.
Recurring Donation
Allows you to make a donation on a monthly basis by automatic payment. Just choose the amount you would like to donate on a monthly basis and click on Subscribe. You will be directed to the PayPal checkout window where you can pay using your PayPal account or credit card. You may cancel your commitment at any time.
Choose the amount you would like to donate on a monthly basis:
Important Note: You can stop the subscription at any time.
7th Tradition
Groups, Intergroups, and Areas can make online contributions to CEA-HOW pursuant to the 7th Tradition by clicking on the button below
Donate via PayPal, Zelle or Venmo
Scan the PayPal or Venmo QR codes below using the camera app on your phone. For Zelle, scan using your mobile banking app.
Mail Donation
Please mail your contribution to:
3371 Glendale Boulevard, Suite 104
Los Angeles CA 90039-1825.
Make checks payable to CEA-HOW.
Gratitude Donation
In response to the annual January CEA-HOW Gratitude Month, as well as year round, individual members and service bodies are encouraged to make a contribution in gratitude for the CEA-HOW program of recovery outside the 7th Tradition. Donations may be made on a member’s CEA-HOW anniversary date (e.g., $1 for each year in recovery), or a member’s sponsor’s or sponsee’s CEA-HOW anniversary date, or on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, or in a moment of gratitude for the freedom and joy given you by the CEA-HOW program of recovery. Service bodies may donate funds above their prudent reserve.
An In Honor of/In Memory of donation is for a program member to honor another individual, such as a CEA-HOW member who experienced relief in the CEA-HOW program of recovery and marked a significant milestone. Or to honor a member who has passed away.