Photocopying, scanning, and/or emailing CEA-HOW literature for use by another member, including a sponsee, is illegal/discouraged:
Our CEA-HOW literature is legally protected against unauthorized reproduction by our trademark registration with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Pursuant to Tradition Seven, we are self-supporting through our own contributions. Some members may not understand that photocopying, scanning, and/or emailing our literature is contrary to the spirit of Tradition Seven.
- Tradition Seven applies to the fellowship as a whole as well as to individual members:
- Affects the fellowship as a whole: Each time you photocopy, scan, and/or email a piece of literature you are taking money from the fellowship. The sale of literature helps support the operations of our fellowship and is an essential component of the budget. In order to support the fellowship as a whole, we purchase from CEA-HOW the literature we use in working our program.
- Affects individual CEA-HOW members: By providing a sponsee or another member with your copy of CEA-HOW literature, you are depriving them of their investment in their recovery and their choice in supporting the fellowshi