By the Fellowship, For the Fellowship
A book of daily reflections written by members of CEA-HOW is being consolidated by the Education Committee. The purpose of this book is to inspire the members of the CEA-HOW fellowship through spiritual reflections written by members of the community. All members are encouraged to submit entries based on daily writings that are inspired by Conference approved literature.
Submission Guidelines
- A quote or sentence(s) from our published literature must be included. Questions from our workbooks can guide the reflections but cannot be used as the quote.
- Each reflection submission is recommended to be 125-200 words. (One page double spaced, typed, is about 250 words) (Quote is not included in word count)
- Example of quote from literature: “Surrendering to God is how I recover.” As Bill Sees It, p. 5
Example of workbook question (NOT ACCEPTABLE): “As Bill Sees It Question 5, How do I recover?”
Content Guidelines
- Quotes must be from CEA-HOW and AA Conference Approved Literature.
- Conference Approved Literature: CEA-HOW Concept, Forever Abstinent, Seven Tools, Sponsor Guidelines, other CEA-HOW published literature, all AA Conference approved literature such as ABSI, AA 4th Edition, Came to Believe, Daily Reflections, Living Sober, 12 Steps &12 Traditions
- Submissions using as a basis CEA-HOW literature such as our many CEA-HOW information pamphlets, Sponsoring in Compulsive Eaters Anonymous – HOW, Forever Abstinent, and our Sponsor Guidelines are especially desired. (See Literature page for a full list of CEA-HOW literature.)
- The writing needs to express positivity, in the writer’s experience, strength and hope.
- If the reflections share struggles, the writers need to show how they overcame those struggles with program principles.
- The reflection needs to incorporate the ideas of the quoted literature.
- It may be helpful to be aware of other programs’ meditation books as an example of quality entries.
Source Book: 12 Steps and 12 Traditions
Source Page: 25
Source Book Quotation: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Meditation Writing:
A wise man once stated that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and yet expect different results. Dieting was my insanity. No matter how hard I tried or how much I spent, I could never maintain any weight loss. Actually, after each diet, I would put on more weight. I began thinking that the ONLY way I could be successful was to have bypass surgery. It never occurred to me that a Higher Power could take this insanity from me. While I was a person of faith, praying for help on THIS subject seemed foolish. How could the God, who created the heavens and the earth, be called upon to help such an insignificant speck of dust such as myself? And yet, that is exactly what has happened. By following this simple plan, by participating in a world-wide consciousness, weight is leaving my body and I feel a sense of contentment and joy. No longer do I obsess over how long it will take before I reach my goal. No longer do I live in the future or the past. Through CEA-HOW, I have learned to live each day to its fullest.
Source Page: 25
Source Book Quotation: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Meditation Writing:
A wise man once stated that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and yet expect different results. Dieting was my insanity. No matter how hard I tried or how much I spent, I could never maintain any weight loss. Actually, after each diet, I would put on more weight. I began thinking that the ONLY way I could be successful was to have bypass surgery. It never occurred to me that a Higher Power could take this insanity from me. While I was a person of faith, praying for help on THIS subject seemed foolish. How could the God, who created the heavens and the earth, be called upon to help such an insignificant speck of dust such as myself? And yet, that is exactly what has happened. By following this simple plan, by participating in a world-wide consciousness, weight is leaving my body and I feel a sense of contentment and joy. No longer do I obsess over how long it will take before I reach my goal. No longer do I live in the future or the past. Through CEA-HOW, I have learned to live each day to its fullest.