If you are a compulsive eater and want recovery, you’ve come home. Remember, if nothing changes, nothing changes. Take a chance. Try this program! I’m so glad I did. That’s what it was like for me. That’s what happened. And how it is today most often times is a wonderful life full of service and happiness. The 12 Steps teach a way of spiritually-based living so that we learn to turn to our higher power to help us through the hard times instead of turning to the food. The Steps help me organize and approach difficult situations trying to seek God’s will, not mine. Is my journey perfect? Hardly. But I’m so very thankful I was led to CEA HOW and didn’t leave before my miracle. Keep coming back. It really does work when we work it. And as my sponsor says, those size 26-28 jeans are waiting for me anytime this program seems too overwhelming or restricting or demanding. Life can be hard when trapped in bondage to my food compulsion but the solution is clearly spelled out in the CEA- HOW Concept and for that I am forever grateful.